VISUAL C++ 2008: HOW TO PROGRAM 2/E (PIE)福利品出清網友評鑑4顆星這麼棒的好書 一定要介紹給大家 博客來電腦資訊-程式設計分類超值推薦你想了解更多有關[VISUAL C++ 2008: HOW TO PROGRAM 2/E (PIE)]的相關資料嗎 點圖即可看詳細介紹 |
For courses that offer a Microsoft-specific C++ programming focus using Visual C++ 2008 . Based on the authors’ highly popular C++-standard-compliant textbook, C++ How to Program, 6/e, Visual C++ How to Program 2/ E builds off this successful approach to offer readers a comprehensive introduction to Visual C++. Through their ongoing consultation with the Microsoft Visual C++ team, the Deitels have developed an approach that focuses on native C++ and presents examples of .NET managed code programming with C++/CLI, where appropriate. The book takes an easy-to-follow, carefully developed early classes and objects approach. This includes comprehensive coverage of the Visual C++ environment. Like other books in the How to Program series, the new edition retains the Deitel’s classic approach to developing good programming skills. These tools have been refined over a combined six decades of academic and industry teaching experience. This approach has been the foundation of several programmers in industry today.
1 . New Native-Code Approach.
2 . Major Content Revisions and Updates for the .NET Framework.
3 . Introduction to the Visual C++ 2008 Express IDE and the Visual Studio Debugger.
4 . Early Classes and Objects Approach.
5 . Integrated Case Studies.
6 . Unified Modeling Language 2 (UML 2).
7 . Class string.
8 . Class Template vector.
9 . Tuned Treatment of Inheritance and Polymorphism.
10 . Discussion and Illustration of How Polymorphism Works under the Hood.